Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Welcome to New Hampshire

Hampton, NH.

Yesterday we went down to the CY HQ in Boston. We talked with Michael Brown (who started CY) and a few other prominent members of HQ about the direction and importance of national service. Pretty inspiring and passionate stuff. Toured the facility....which is definitely top notch and learned about some other events that happen throughout the year.

Today, we are going out and meeting up with United Way for a service day. Not sure where or what we are doing yet...we are all going to be broken up and put into random teams (we don't get put on our actual teams until mid sept) and taken to different parts of New Hampshire. We actually got to sleep in a little later today (8:30!) but that means that we are working till about 8pm. Very excited to be going physical service though, most of these first days have been policy, history, and lots of sitting in chairs.

Most everyone is engaged and committed, but there are a few that are obviously not going to make it the entire 10 months. Most of us all get along real easy, but others stick to their initial group and don't mill around much. I'm sure it will just take a little more time to get to know those. I hope to get some pictures of my town up for yall soon (the beach, the tourist stores, the nuclear power plant, the harbor, my housemates, etc etc etc).

On Friday and Saturday we are working the Reach The Beach Relay race ( with CY Boston. I signed up for the morning race start crew, which means that a group of us and a senior member will be going up to the mountains (Cannon Mountain - i think) tomorrow night and staying there so we can be ready to organize, sign in, and send off the first teams of runners around 9-10am. We will actually be staying at one the ski resorts and i'm pretty stoked to see what a NH "mountain" really has to offer.

Shower time.

1 comment:

Nick said...

i already dont believe a word that youre saying. you do not shower.