Saturday, February 7, 2009

New Man in Town/Entry of the Month

So there is a staph infection (MRSA) going around town and in school. A few of the kids I work with probably have it, so I am ultra paranoid. Washing my hands all the time - Purell application is essential. If you have any interest in losing your appetite for a week, Google MRSA and look at some of the images.....not cool.... <!-- @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } 
We are gearing up for our February Camp and much of the planning is under my control. I am working on creating/refining some community building activities where the students basically construct a paper society – with all the important establishments and people. I am also in charge of organizing service projects for three communities – showing appreciation for U.S. veterans and working with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals to come up with fun and educational activities. Stress. We are running low on time and need to get things concrete.
We just got back from our Advanced Training Retreat at Camp Berea in the White Mountains. Had a good time – lots of bonding and insightful comments….but had to miss 4 days of school for it. Remember back to when you were in middle school. Remember when you were sick for 4 days the amount of work that you had to make up and how many social interactions you missed out on? Well it’s the same for us, just in a different context. We need to stay up-to-date on our students academic and social interactions – and its always difficult when we are mandated to take days off.

Some of our Young Heroes and an Anti Drug Poster

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