Monday, October 20, 2008

!sloof rof si gnipeelS

It was AmeriCorps' statewide opening day today. We went up to Concord to join all the other AmeriCorp programs in the area (Vista, SCA, etc) for workshops and a swearing in. Tomorrow back to Seabrook Middle school. We are organizing a month long food drive with the student leadership club. This group of eight graders is surprisingly organized and focused.

Each year Timberland (where our HQ is) does a huge conversion of all their office space for the families of employees to come walkthrough. Each department does a different theam (Harry Potter, space, mazes, etc) This year we got an empty block of cubes due to a layoff, so we are setting up our Candyland area probably all night on Tues and Wednesday. Thursday is the actual party and I hope i'll have my Plumpy custome done by then.


1 comment:

sam said...

hahahaha plumpy. Please tell me that you did this.